Part 48: New Parm NPC Chatter 12
Welcome back!

: I threw everything I had at that one to make it dazzle, and it was certainly the best one yet.

: Man, what a town! In New Parm even funerals get turned into big celebrations!

: Hmm... what kind of funeral? And how about you? Wanna have yours? I'll set you up one of the best.

: Huh? Me? Oh, no, I'll pass for now.

: Where to this time? Come on, where are you heading? OK, OK. Don't tell me now. When you come back to town, maybe you'll tell me all about it.

: Uh, yeah, just you wait! I'll have some great adventure stories to tell you!

: I'm looking forward to hearing your adventure stories when you return.

: Oh, no! So much for learning a lesson! Still, I don't understand why she's marrying Pakon.

: The way I heard it, it was the girl who proposed marriage to him. Today's women sure are bold!

: So, what's wrong with a girl doing the proposing? I think it's perfectly normal.

: But that receptionist is a level-headed girl, so I think it can only improve the Adventurers Society.

: I never thought Pakon'd get married. I always thought all this talk about him marrying Feena sounded fishy. But now it seems he really did it. The rest of us guys should find our brides soon.

: No point in hanging around in a theater like this! First, I'll get my gear ready, then....

: Miss Milk's drama troupe does a performance of "Pakon's Wedding"! Oh, it's just sooo beautiful. And because they're performing we get twice as many customers! And we have Pakon to thank for it! ♥

: Pakon? I guess he does help sometimes.

: Thanks to Miss Milk's performance of "Pakon's Wedding', our business is booming! But I wish it weren't so busy, so I could take a break.
I wonder who localized this game?

: Justin, you'd better be careful or Feena'll wrap you around her little finger, too!

: Now that Miss Milk and the others performed at Pakon's wedding, there are so many more customers. She won't be my own little Miss Milk any more. Oh, I have such mixed feelings about this. I'm happy that someone I like is getting popular, but it makes me sort of sad, too.

As long as you don't start telling everyone that she was better while she was still underground...
Nnnnnope, still not tired of it.

: But if he fools around, he'll be punished!
Hmm... I don-
Dammit, Sue.

: I'm SOO sorry! Stop torturing me! Yup yup! Uh, yup yup! I'll give you a bag, a necklace... anything... please stop!

I, uh... I didn't realize this was that sort of performance. Let's just... let's just sneak out and never speak of this again.

: Didn't Pakon learn his lesson? He's still going to get married? Anyway, no point in making a fuss. ♪

: I guess it's impossible, really.
Hmm, that's not like-

: I mean, how could the world have an end like that?!

: Ha ha ha. Don't be silly! So what do you think it is? What's a high wall that goes forever? A wall so high it pierces the clouds. A wall that can repel anything. Wouldn't that be the End of the World?
You know what I call it?
A jarring segue to get to the port.

: I don't have much leftovers. At least not much more than I can eat up myself.

: He doesn't seem very eager to sell me any dried fish. I don't get it.

: I mean, if it doesn't sell, I should just eat it myself. Isn't that OK? Nothing wrong with that, right?

: Heh, heh. In New Parm, all of the shops are like this.

: Not very enterprising, is it? If this were Parm, the shops'd be out of business in three days.

: Thanks to the wedding, I've been able to sell some fish. That's been very helpful to me. Pakon would be good for that.

: Yeah, they sure look good. But how do they relate to the Sure Success Law?

: Don't you see? When I'm the customer, the fish I buy stay here. And in time they go from fresh fish to dried fish.
I, uh... I'm not very knowledgeable about such things, but I think making dried meat involves, like... salt and such. Not just hot weather by the ocean. Right?

: Ha! My Sure Success Law is perfect! If there are no customers, I'm it. And the fish I buy become dried fish. The whole system works like a charm. The only mystery is why I can't seem to pile up any money.

: It's a good time to quit. Who needs safe adventures?

: I know! Today I'm making a fresh start, on a big, life-threatening adventure! Yeah, but I'm such a klutz that if I risk my life, I'm sure to lose it. I think I'd better take it easy.

: Ha ha ha! Well, start within your limits, then. You'll need a warm-up, after all.

: You shouldn't have such a bad attitude about working. Look, Puffy agrees with me.

: Puff! Puff!

: Yeah, you told me that before. But why should I skip napping during such peaceful early afternoons?
And with that, we're finally done with New Parm. Tune in next time for the Garlyle Base!
Shit, forgot to talk to absolutely everyone after the Herb Mountains.